What To Expect After Spaying Your Pet
ShareIf you are a new pet owner, you might have made an appointment to have your new pet spayed or neutered. The truth is that spaying or neutering your pet has health and social benefits for your pet, and it might save you a headache or two as well.
When you bring your pet home, take extra special care of your pet, and always be on the lookout for signs that something is not healing correctly. The earlier you spot problems, the better.
The Night of Surgery
The night following the pet's surgery, be sure to create a small space where your pet can rest comfortably. At this point, your pet is likely still recovering from general anesthesia, so he or she may be sleepy or exhibit poor balance. Your pet may also have no interest in eating.
You should be aware that anesthesia can make your pet slightly more aggressive or irritated. For this reason, you should avoid handling him or her very much. You should also avoid allowing the animal to interact with any other pets.
Within 24 hours, you should also keep an eye on the incision site, checking for drainage, swelling, or redness. If you see anything strange, contact the veterinarian.
The Week of Surgery
For the rest of the week following surgery, make sure to check the incision site at least once each day for opening, discharge, blood, and swelling. Avoid using any ointment on the area, and do not wash it. While doing this, you may notice a small tattoo on the animal which indicates that the animal has been neutered or spayed.
During this week, you should introduce food to your pet slowly. Make no significant changes to your pet's diet during this time.
The Month of Surgery
If you have recently spayed a female pet who was in heat at the time of surgery, keep her away from unneutered males for several weeks. She may still attract males, even if she is not able to get pregnant.
Your pet should also avoid strenuous activity for several weeks following surgery, as this can disrupt the healing process.
Always be on the lookout for complications associated with spaying and neutering your pet. Complications are often indicated by pale gums, depression, diarrhea, vomiting, and bleeding from the incision. Also, take note of long-term appetite loss and lethargy.
Ultimately, healing does not take long for pets after this surgery, and the procedure is relatively safe. Contact a vet office like Southwest Animal Hospital if you have any problems.