How To Research Before You Purchase A Pet Lizard
ShareBuying a new pet is a big decision that you should never take lightly, considering you will be caring for all its needs for the rest of its life, and adopting a pet lizard is a bit different than adopting a cat or a dog because a lizard has specific needs. Before you buy and bring home a new reptile, you should find out some information about its species, what it requires in care, food, and housing, and how you can best take care of it. Here are some tips to help you research and locate information so you can make an informed decision and have the right equipment for you new pet lizard.
Find a Reptile Specialist
One of the best places to begin searching for information about your new pet reptile is at the local pet store that sells them. The pet store associates are going to be trained on the specific requirements of each type of creature they sell in the store, so they can be a good start to your research: ask them a lot of questions.
Also ask around with the store associates to find someone who has more specialized knowledge about the type of lizard you want to adopt. This may be one of the associates, or it might be a local breeder or lizard hobbyist who can provide you with all the details you need to know. This person can be your go-to expert for all your questions.
Search Online Forums
Another good source of information about your new pet lizard is online forums and dedicated websites to lizards. There can be a lot of opinions available online, so make sure you only seek out the most reputable ones.
You will want to research to learn all you can out the care and handling of your lizard. For example, most reptiles can carry the bacteria Salmonella, which can make you seriously ill, so it is important to wash your hands after your handle your lizard.
Locate a Reptile Veterinarian
When you are the new owner of a reptile, you will also want to know who in the area can help you care for them if they become ill or injured. If you have located a reptile specialist, you can come to them for some questions, but you ultimately will want to find a local veterinarian who has the knowledge to treat your new pet. Ask around at the pet store, with other reptile owners, or search online for a local veterinarian who is trained to handle reptiles. You may need professional veterinarian help if your lizard stops eating, for example, or receives an injury and needs specialized care.
Contact a pet shop, like Snakes at Sunset, for more help.