If your pet ever passes out and either isn't breathing or doesn't have a heartbeat, or both, you can assist your pet by performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, more commonly known as CPR. You can take a pet first aid class in your local community or online to learn pet CPR and first aid.
Check for Breathing and a Heartbeat
The first thing you need to do is figure out if your pet is breathing.
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People board their pets to keep them safe while they're away from home. As a result, it can be alarming to get a notification that your cat has become ill while being boarded. Whether your cat had an underlying, undiagnosed medical condition or has caught a virus, rest assured that your cat will be cared for.
Veterinary Support
All pet boarding facilities work with veterinarians. While not all have veterinarians on staff, most have an affiliation that allows the vet to come to the boarding facility.
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If you have an inside cat they likely do not go outside often. If you would like your cat to be able to go outside, however, you can do this and keep them safe. One of the best ways is to use a cat fence. Below are two types of these fences so you can get started buying one. Even though cats are great jumpers and maneuvers, they will be safe and contained.
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